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纳斯达克艺术收藏指南—中国宝藏艺术家罗耀泉 Nasdaq Art Collection Guide—Chinese Treasure Artist Luo Yaoquan

发布时间:2021/11/05 产经 浏览:1339






Chinese Jixiang Calligraphy


——Luo Yaoquan’s six stages of exploration in 70 years

中国国际画院同挥书法硏究院  秘书组



The poem said: The dragon flies and the wind dances to China.

Both hands are symmetrical and beautiful, and auspicious calligraphy eulogizes China.


Chairman Mao’s words “Nian Nujiao · Re-Shang Jingshan” said: “You can go up to nine days to capture the moon, but you can go to the oceans to catch the crappy, talk and laugh triumphantly. There is nothing difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to climb.” These words are used to portray Luo Lao’s artistic achievements. It can be said to be well-deserved.


In recent years, Luo Lao’s reform and innovation achievements have made major breakthroughs, which are encouraging and surprising. On November 5, 2015, the “Luo Yaoquan Calligraphy Works Exhibition” was successfully held in Yunfu, Luo Yaoquan’s second hometown. The atmosphere of this exhibition is extremely warm and lively. During our visit, the audience unanimously praised this as “magic calligraphy”. The most emotional compliments I heard were two sentences and eight words: “It’s not easy!” and “It’s amazing!” The audience even thought: “Lao Luo’s hands waving calligraphy opened a new era of Chinese writing.” This is people’s full affirmation of an artist, and this is people’s highest reward for an artist.


What is “Chinese Auspicious Calligraphy”? Because the characters handwritten on the left and right sides are positive and negative. In our “Book of Changes,” we use the yin and yang perspective to understand things: positive is yang, but negative is yin. Therefore, the positive and negative characters are also called yin and yang characters, and the calligraphy of the positive and negative characters handwritten left and right is called yin and yang calligraphy. The Book of Changes emphasizes the balance between yin and yang. There is a saying called “Yin, there is peace and good luck.” And so on: left and right hand calligraphy-yin and yang calligraphy-auspicious calligraphy. “Auspicious” is a good sign. Everyone wants “auspiciousness”, everyone pursues “auspiciousness”, and everyone wants to have “auspiciousness”. Therefore, people like this kind of left and right hand calligraphy.


Speaking of people like it, here is a typical example that must be said: There is an entrepreneur who hangs six calligraphy works by Luo Lao on the wall of his office building. (Two pieces each for 4 feet, 6 feet, and 8 feet) The contents are all poems by Chairman Mao. He said that he has a lot of celebrity calligraphy and paintings, but his favorite is Lao Luo’s left and right hand calligraphy. The reason is that he looks at “happy and exciting.” These six works are exhibited together this time, forming a highlight of the exhibition. It is believed that it is rare for an artist’s work of art to be so loved by people and to “worship” the artist. An artist’s art works can make people “happy”-to eliminate people’s temperament; to give people positive energy-to make them “inspiring”. I believe such works are even rarer. It can make people “happy” and “invigorating”, which proves that it can bring “good luck” to people. This is an important reason why people like left and right hand calligraphy, which is auspicious calligraphy.


“Simultaneous wave calligraphy” is left and right hand calligraphy written with both left and right hands simultaneously, that is, the calligraphy of positive and negative characters, and it is also yin and yang calligraphy, so it is also auspicious calligraphy. This is the connection between the same wave calligraphy and the left and right hand calligraphy. The difference between them is that left and right hand calligraphy is the calligraphy written by left and right hand “separately”, while “simultaneous wave” is the calligraphy written by left and right hands at the same time. It is much more difficult than “separate”. It can be seen that “simultaneous wave” is the promotion of “separate”. It shows that it has entered a higher level.


The biggest feature of “simultaneous wave” is “symmetrical beauty”. Chinese characters themselves are a kind of art, broad and profound, and after Luo Lao Tong has used them, they can bring its beauty to the extreme. Therefore, an authoritative person wrote an article “A Thousand Money Is Hard to Buy “Symmetrical Beauty””.


At this point, we can call the calligraphy of Luo Lao’s left and right hand calligraphy, and both hands waving at the same time as “good calligraphy”. This is what it deserves, and it is natural. And because this kind of calligraphy is only available in China, it is called “Chinese Auspicious Calligraphy”. This is the “Chinese Lucky Calligraphy” that can make people proud.


Luo Lao used his hands to wave the art of calligraphy today, and he has experienced a long and arduous journey of exploration. In terms of time, he practiced left-handed anti-characters since he was seven years old, and he has been insisting on it. It is now 70 years old. Seventy years of persistence is so commendable. What’s more valuable is that Luo Lao is never just “playing”. He is exploring a new form of calligraphy. He is making his own efforts and contributions to inherit and develop the calligraphy art of our country.


Luo Lao’s seventy years of exploration can be roughly divided into six stages. These six stages, from easy to difficult, from simple to complex, improve step by step, and make continuous progress. It can be seen that Luo Lao’s arduous exploration for China’s calligraphy art, and the precious spirit of continuous exploration for China’s calligraphy art. Let us briefly describe the basic situation of Luo Lao’s exploration at each stage. (The process is omitted)



First, practice left handwriting inverse characters. That is, the play stage. (Belonging to the basic stage)

Approximately from 1945 to 1999. That is, from enrollment to work retirement.



Second, the calligraphy creation stage of left-handed inverted characters. (In the initial stage)

Approximately retired from 1999 to 2005.



Third, the calligraphy creation stage where the left and right hands are the positive and negative characters. (At the mature stage)

Approximately from 2005 to 2014.



Fourth, the calligraphy creation or performance stage where the left and right hands are waving big characters together. (In the stage of improvement)

Approximately from 2010 to 2014.



Fifth, the calligraphy creation or performance stage of using small characters at the same time. (In the development stage)

From April 2015 to unlimited.


He said: “The foundation of my left hand reversal and the foundation of both hands being thrown together is not easy to come by. I must make full use of it in my lifetime. Try to leave as many works as possible for later scholars to learn from, so that they can make fewer detours and make them faster. Master the ability to wave both small and large letters at the same time, so that you can create a variety of calligraphy art handily, so that Chinese calligraphy art blooms and flourishes. This is also the author’s wish. “We can understand from Luo Lao’s words. Luo Lao Nahai’s broad mind. Those who learn calligraphy must first learn Luo Lao’s spirit of life.



Sixth, look for the stage of creation and application of “symmetrical beauty”

From December 2015 to unlimited.



After six stages of exploration, Luo Lao’s achievements are obvious. But Luo Lao was not satisfied and did not stop there. Luo Lao said: “Life is endless, and exploration is endless.”

In short, auspicious calligraphy still has a long, long way to go. Now more and more people like this kind of auspicious calligraphy. It shows that the prospect of auspicious calligraphy is bright. It can also be predicted that more and more people will explore this kind of auspicious calligraphy in the future. The art of Chinese calligraphy will turn a new page from now on.

罗老师的书法肥而有骨,骨肉相济,活泼而灵动。那用笔的多变,章法的烂熟,上下的映带,左右的顾盼,错落起伏,跃然纸上。在那流动的线条中,方圆、疏密、大小、长短、粗细、浓、淡、枯、湿多变灵活。大气磅礴如行云流水,真可谓标新立异、匠心独具,已有了自已独特的笔法和别具一格的艺术表现形式。  罗老师的艺术魅力不仅仅给人以艺术欣赏,而且给人以精神享受。他的作品,“柔中有刚、秀中见奇,乃笔爽爽而有神助。”我“赏罢罗耀泉老师的书法,再理解书中内容,真有沐浴、更衣、焚香之后捧读线装书之感。线香、墨香、字香、文香四香皆溢,鼻舒、眼悦、心旷、神怡四享俱佳。”写出了读者的真情实感。  罗老师并没有骄傲,他认为书法的最高境界是写心、写思想、写感情。罗耀泉先生的书法已达到了这一境界。他把传统的书法技巧有机地同现代书法相结合,用抽象的奇妙书法技巧大胆地创新,其丰富的墨色变化妙不可言,字一笔书就,一气呵成,俨然蛟龙戏水,巨龙游天,气度非凡,使观者叫绝。写出了他对笔墨人生的感悟。

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