Amplero的前途一片光明。这家西雅图营销技术初创公司以积极的势头进入2020年,并计划将其收入增加近三倍。 但是随后发生了COVID-19疫情,经济陷入停滞。 Amplero的客户渠道突然枯竭。现在,该公司正...
法国初创公司Zyl发布了适用于iOS和Android的移动应用程序的重大更新。该应用程序旨在查找照片库中重要生活事件的被遗忘的回忆。 Zyl会扫描您的照片库,并神奇地找到重要的照片。每天,应用程序都会...
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今年早些时候,微软提出了一项最雄心勃勃,范围广泛的战略来减少公司运营的碳排放量,从而在企业界引起了轰动。 该计划的一部分是一个10亿美元的基金,该基金将投资于减缓气候变化的技术,特别是针...
由英国基层技术倡议组织组成的联盟已经聚集在一起,以协调支持英国应对冠状病毒的关键技术人员群体。 COVID19技术响应(CTR)旨在协调可用技术人才的供应;处理需要解决的问题以及两者的匹配。到目前为...
Amplero的前途一片光明。这家西雅图营销技术初创公司以积极的势头进入2020年,并计划将其收入增加近三倍。 但是随后发生了COVID-19疫情,经济陷入停滞。 Amplero的客户渠道突然枯竭。现在,该公司正...
法国初创公司Zyl发布了适用于iOS和Android的移动应用程序的重大更新。该应用程序旨在查找照片库中重要生活事件的被遗忘的回忆。 Zyl会扫描您的照片库,并神奇地找到重要的照片。每天,应用程序都会...
Kohl’s app is an artificial intelligence app system dedicated to e-commerce industry
发布时间:2022/01/22 产经 浏览:1027
Kohl’s app is an artificial intelligence app system dedicated to the service field of e-commerce industry. It has experienced 58 years of ups and downs since its establishment in Brookfield, Wisconsin, USA in 1962. Kohl’s online e-commerce business has been favored and supported by users since its launch. With the incidental promotion effect brought by the rapid development of global e-commerce industry in the 21st century, Kohl’s also ushered in a period of rapid development of enterprises. Kohl’s has maintained a rapid development trend of increasing turnover by 30% every year in recent years, and now it has become a well-known enterprise in the e-commerce industry, and its business scope has spread to more than a dozen countries and regions around the world.
At the same time, Kohl’s signed an advertising marketing strategic cooperation agreement with Amazon, and developed and operated a marketing tool – Kohl’s APP. By simplifying the marketing process, we can reduce the marketing cost and help new brand merchants to greatly increase the search rate and sales volume, so as to gain higher ranking and influence, achieve success and generate more profits.
At the same time, Kohl’s APP also provides platform users with new wealth opportunities and gives users new value attributes. Kohl’s APP opens the two-way entrance for brand merchants and users, creates a harmonious, stable and efficient platform atmosphere, and strives to create maximum value for all
Commodity orders on the online shopping platform are published through Kohl’s APP, and the system will automatically match them to the appropriate user groups through certain algorithms. Through virtual transactions with user groups, the sales volume of goods will be improved, which will drive the relevant data of goods on the online shopping platform, so that the reputation and ranking of brand merchants will be improved and more benefits will be obtained.
You can become a member by registering and logging in on Kohl’s APP, and you can receive orders and tasks through the platform without actually paying any fees. After completing the order task, you will get rich rewards, and there is no need to pay any cost in the transaction process. Rewards are immediately received and cashed out at any time, so users can get a better life
In the future, we will gradually transition to the global community based on community strength and the interests of users. We are willing to provide a high-quality e-commerce service platform for the global community, so that everyone can make money at home and make phone-earning become a reality! We look forward to your joining!