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纳斯达克艺术收藏指南—中国宝藏艺术家柏光林 Nasdaq Art Collection Guide—Chinese Treasure Artist Bai Guanglin

发布时间:2021/12/06 产经 浏览:676



Bai Guanglin, named Jingcheng, was born in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province in December 1938. He is now a member of the Chinese Artists Association, a national first-class artist online painter, a registered painter of the national copyright administration, an outstanding master of calligraphy and painting of the people’s Republic of China, a national first-class master of Arts and crafts, an academician of the Chinese Academy of traditional Chinese painting, the Executive vice president of the United Nations “International Artists Association”, the global chief vice president of the British Cultural Association, an honorary academician of the Royal Academy of art Curator of China Digital Art Museum, full-time vice president of China calligraphy and painting masters Research Association, etc.

2012年与刘大为、范曾入编出版《艺术大师三人行》。2013年与刘大为、范曾、黄永玉等入编出版《新中国书画八大家》。2013年与刘大为、范曾、吴冠中等入编出版《中国当代艺术巨匠》。  2013年与刘大为、范曾、靳尚谊等入编出版《民族国粹、20名顶级艺术大师》。2013年与沈鹏、欧阳中石、刘文西、冯远入编出版《中国艺术大家》(刘大为题词)国礼珍藏册出版工程。2013年与张大千、李可染、齐白石、徐悲鸿等大师入编出版《中国艺术百年》,《中国艺术百年》由中国国家图书馆、美国国会图书馆、大英图书馆、俄罗斯国立图书馆、莱比锡图书馆、哈佛大学图书馆收藏。 2013年参加由世界收藏家协会、世界艺术家协会、中华人民共和国文化艺术组委会组织的2013巴黎世界艺术大展,荣获最高奖项“国际 艺术金奖”。2014年9月获美国纽约《世界艺术盛典》授予的美术界最高荣誉“世界艺术之星奖”,同时被评为“世界一级美术家”称号。2014年9月作品《世纪之光》被联合国最高艺术研究院评定为“联合国艺术珍品”大奖,同时被英国文化协会授予“全球特级书画之王”称号。2018年4月被世界文艺家企业家交流中心授予“新时代人民艺术家”荣誉称号。

In 2012, he worked with Liu Dawei and fan Zeng to compile and publish the trip of art masters.

In 2013, he worked with Liu Dawei, fan Zeng and Huang Yongyu to compile and publish the eight masters of calligraphy and painting in New China.

In 2013, he joined Liu Dawei, fan Zeng, Wu Guanzhong, etc. to compile and publish the master of Chinese contemporary art.

In 2013, he worked with Liu Dawei, fan Zeng and Jin Shangyi to compile and publish the national quintessence and 20 top art masters.

In 2013, he worked with Shen Peng, Ouyang Zhongshi, Liu Wenxi and Feng Yuan to compile and publish the national ceremony collection publication project of Chinese artists (inscription by Liu Dawei).

In 2013, he edited and published the centennial of Chinese art with masters such as Zhang Daqian, Li Keran, Qi Baishi and Xu Beihong. The centennial of Chinese art is collected by the National Library of China, the library of Congress, the British Library, the Russian National Library, Leipzig library and Harvard University Library.

In 2013, he participated in the 2013 Paris World Art Exhibition organized by the world collectors association, the World Artists Association and the culture and art Organizing Committee of the people’s Republic of China, and won the highest award “international art Gold Award”.

In September 2014, he won the “World Art Star Award”, the highest honor in the art world, awarded by the world art festival in New York, and was rated as “world-class artist”.

In September 2014, the work “light of the century” was rated as the “United Nations art treasures” award by the United Nations supreme Academy of art, and was awarded the title of “king of global super class calligraphy and painting” by the British Council.

In April 2018, he was awarded the honorary title of “people’s artist in the new era” by the world artists and entrepreneurs exchange center.


Most of Mr. Bai Guanglin’s works are outstanding in landscapes, figures and animals, especially in tiger paintings. His paintings have been highly praised by famous artists. Lu Yanshao, Lin Sanzhi and Zhang dingduo wrote and postscript, cooperated with Lu Yanshao in the painting of two tigers and the painting of tiger roaring, and visited the United States, many countries in South America, Europe and Asia to create a number of distinctive ink paintings, the Olympic flame Collected by Mr. Samaranch, former president of the International Olympic Committee, he has successively held art exhibitions and published art collections in the United States, Beijing, Jiangsu, Shenzhen, Zhuhai and Hong Kong. CCTV, Jiangsu, Zhuhai and Nanjing television have successively filmed and reported.
















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