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纳斯达克艺术收藏指南—中国宝藏艺术家袁竹 Nasdaq Art Collection Guide—Chinese Treasure Artist Yuan Zhu

发布时间:2021/10/21 产经 浏览:2163


袁竹,别号石竹山人 逍遥画派创始人,四川省德阳市人,cctv央视书画频道签约艺术家、中国书画家研究会会员、国家一级美术师、中国教育联盟艺术教育终身客座教授、北京宣和书画艺术研究院副院长。

Yuan Zhu, founder of Shizhushanren Xiaoyao Painting School, native of Deyang City, Sichuan Province, signed artist of cctv CCTV calligraphy and painting channel, member of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Research Association, national first-level artist, lifelong visiting professor of art education of China Education Alliance, Beijing Deputy Dean of Xuanhe Academy of Painting and Calligraphy.



Xinhua News Agency is in charge of the People’s Republic of China Yearbook, edited and published “The Yearbook of the People’s Republic of China” (2019), and was included in the second series of “The Yearbook of Chinese Art” (1949-2020) published by China Literature and Art Publishing House. The work, on October 29, 2019, the National Copyright Administration issued a work registration certificate. The copyright of the work, as one of the asset packages, constituted Chuangyi Planet (code 860099), which was listed on the Hong Kong International Intellectual Property Exchange on October 30, 2019.


In 2020, the world-renowned Forbes magazine published the world art monograph “Art Forbes·World Art Figures”, and his works are also on the list.

2021年2月1日,《人民日报》全媒体平台在文化栏目发表长篇作品赏析, 2021年4月,人民日报社主管《人民美术》杂志在多年刊登其多副作品外,发表封面作品。2021年7月27日,《人民美术网》在综合栏目发表作品赏析, 2021年8月4日《时代周刊》新闻栏目中文、英文发表:跨国文化传播视界——2021年度中国国家艺术形象代表人物袁竹; 2021年8月31日,《中国网》客户端发表:2021中国实力派书画人物|袁竹;2021年8月31日,《中华网》发表:百年光辉·2021最具收藏书画|袁竹;2021年9月8日,《人民日报》客户端发表:逍遥画派创始人袁竹上榜2022壬寅虎年《人民日报社官方贺岁台历》,2021年9月30日,《国际日报》发表:中国美术馆永久收藏逍遥画派创始人袁竹作品《金牛古道》; 2021年10月9日,《深圳之窗》发表:逍遥画派创始人袁竹两作品在新加坡上拍均已成交;2021年10月11日,《深港在线》发表 :“广东省十大喜剧新星”安冬收藏逍遥画派创始人袁竹作品《远行》,2021年10月15日,《今日头条》发表:4年身价暴涨16倍,逍遥画派创始人袁竹画作成新宠 ; 2021年10月19日,俄罗斯《真理报》中、俄文发表 :『中国名家名作出国门』北京与莫斯科——国家德艺双馨艺术家袁竹。

On February 1, 2021, the “People’s Daily” omni-media platform published a long-form work appreciation in the cultural column. In April 2021, the head of the People’s Daily, “People’s Fine Arts” magazine, published a cover work in addition to many of its works published for many years. On July 27, 2021, “People’s Art Network” published work appreciation in the comprehensive column, August 4, 2021, “Times” news column published in Chinese and English: Transnational Cultural Communication Vision-2021 China’s national artistic image representative Yuan Zhu; August 31, 2021, the client of “China.com” published: 2021 Chinese powerful calligraphy and painting figures|Yuan Zhu; August 31, 2021, “China.com” published: A hundred years of glory, 2021 most collectible paintings and calligraphy| Yuan Zhu; September 8, 2021, the “People’s Daily” client published: Yuan Zhu, founder of the Xiaoyao Painting School, is on the list in the 2022 Year of the Tiger “People’s Daily Official New Year Calendar”, September 30, 2021, “International Published by the National Art Museum of China: “The Ancient Road of the Golden Bull” by Yuan Zhu, founder of the Xiaoyao School of Art in the permanent collection; October 9, 2021, “Shenzhen Window” published: Both works by Yuan Zhu, the founder of the Xiaoyao School, were auctioned in Singapore Completed; October 11, 2021, “Shenzhen-Hong Kong Online” published: “Ten Rising Comedy Stars in Guangdong Province” Yuan Zhu, founder of the An Dong Collection, “Traveling”, October 15, 2021, “Today” “Tou Tiao” published: 4 years of worth soaring 16 times, the founder of Xiaoyao Painting School Yuan Zhu’s paintings became a new favorite; October 19, 2021, Russian “Pravda” published in Chinese and Russian: “Chinese famous names make a country” Beijing and Moscow ——Yuan Zhu, a national artist of virtue and art.



He adheres to the creative direction of “not forgetting the original, absorbing foreigners, and facing the future”, making new attempts and new explorations in the creation of landscape painting, using an international perspective to develop Chinese painting, and innovating and creating on the basis of inheritance. He proposes a new era Chinese painting should follow the concept of innovation, modernization, internationalization, and futureization, and constantly seek breakthroughs in the creation of landscape paintings. After years of practice, the new and unique “leopard pattern” and “cow hair pattern” landscape engraving methods have been achieved. With gratifying results, his works have been exhibited in New York, Texas, St. Petersburg, Russia, and Beijing, etc., and were included in the compilation of World Knowledge Publishing House “New Chinese Contemporary History of Painting and Calligraphy”, Heilongjiang Fine Arts Publishing House “A Hundred Years Classics · Selected Works of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Masters” He and China Federation of Literary and Art Publishing House “Salute to Classics · Representatives of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Inheritance” and more than 70 art collections and documents, and were also selected as “One Belt One Road · Handed down Chinese Porcelain” and “Handed down Chinese Quintessence · Porcelain Wine China” to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Cheng Guoli. Won the bronze medal in the domestic and overseas painting and calligraphy competitions to commemorate the 120th anniversary of Zhang Daqian’s birth and the bronze medal in the first inheritance cup international painting and calligraphy competition.

已出版个人作品集:《中国书画百家精品集(袁竹卷)》《中国传世名家名作·袁竹作品集》《中国当代艺术名家·袁竹逍遥派画作品集》》 《中国传世名家名作·传承古今系列·袁竹逍遥画派作品集》 《中国当代书画名家袁竹邮册》《中国传世名家名作专题邮册(袁竹)》等。个人简历已收录进《中华人民共和国年鉴》(2019版)、《世界艺术名人录》、《世界非遗文化名录》、《世界文明互鉴》、《国家级非遗传承人大典》、《中国美术年鉴》、《福布斯》、《经典传承》、《百年翰墨》、《百年巨匠》等文献。有200余幅作品被美国、英国、意大利、澳大利亚和北京、上海、天津、台湾、香港、深圳、山东、河南、陕西、江苏、安徽、云南、新疆、四川等地社会名流和藏家收藏,作品先后在四川八益、北京传世水墨 、东兴瀚海、保利厦门、美国杜邦国际拍卖公司上拍,均已成交。

Published personal collections: “Hundred Masterpieces of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy (Yuan Zhujuan)”, “Masterpieces of Yuan Zhu’s Works Handed down in China”, “Collections of Paintings by Chinese Contemporary Artists of Yuan Zhu and Xiaoyao School”, “Masterpieces of Chinese Handed down Masters” ·Inheritance of ancient and modern series·Collection of Yuan Zhu’s Xiaoyao Painting School” “Postal Album of Famous Contemporary Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Yuan Zhu”, “Special Album of Famous Works Handed down in China (Yuan Zhu)” and so on. Resume has been included in the “Annual Book of the People’s Republic of China” (2019 Edition), “Who’s Who in World Art”, “World Intangible Cultural Heritage List”, “World Civilization Mutual Learning”, “National Non-Genetic Inheritor Ceremony”, “China “Art Yearbook”, “Forbes”, “Classic Inheritance”, “Hundred Years of Hanmo”, “Hundred Years of Masters” and other documents. More than 200 works have been collected by celebrities and collectors in the United States, Britain, Italy, Australia and Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Shandong, Henan, Shaanxi, Jiangsu, Anhui, Yunnan, Xinjiang, Sichuan and other places. The works have been auctioned successively in Sichuan Bayi, Beijing Handed Ink Painting, Dongxing Hanhai, Poly Xiamen, and DuPont International Auction Company of the United States, all of which have been sold.



In December 2015, the works “Longevity Picture” and “Mountain Torrents” participated in the “National Business Card” contemporary art master stamp launching exchange exhibition at the training base of the General Political Department of the People’s Liberation Army in Beijing.


In April 2016, works “Mountain Village”, “Lotus” and “Morning Mist” were exhibited at the 2016 World Art Fair in New York, USA. Among them, “Mountain Village” won the International Excellence Award; from May 28 to June 1, 2016 in the National Academy of Painting in China The Exhibition Art Center held “Inheritance and Classics—Yuan Zhu Chinese Painting Works Exhibition”; in December 2016, the works “Tianyou” and “Mountain Village” were exhibited at the Repin Academy of Fine Arts, one of the four world-famous art academies;

2017年3月,作品《大月亮》《残荷》参加全国人大会议中心举办的“盛世焦点—特邀书画名家献礼全国两会优秀作品联展” ;2017年4月,参加北京保利国际会展中心《中国当代艺术名家邀请展》;

In March 2017, the works “Big Moon” and “Remnant Lotus” participated in the “Focus of the Prosperity-Specially Invited Masters of Painting and Calligraphy Presents the Excellent Works of the National Two Sessions” organized by the National People’s Congress Conference Center; in April 2017, participated in the “China” in Beijing Poly International Convention and Exhibition Center Invitational Exhibition of Contemporary Art Masters”;

2018年1月,作品《逍遥天下》在北京保利国际会展中心举办的 “中国梦文化梦名家名作全国(巡回)展”。2018年10月25日至28日,由文化和旅游部、国家广播电视总局、国家新闻出版署与北京市人民政府共同主办的,以“引领文化产业高质量发展 助推全国文化中心建设”为主题的第十三届中国北京国际文化创意产业博览会在北京举办,主展场位于中国国际展览中心(老馆)。逍遥派画创始人袁竹应邀参展《大海之珠》《海阔凭鱼跃》等。

2018年1月,作品《逍遥天下》在北京保利国际会展中心举办的 “中国梦文化梦名家名作全国(巡回)展”。2018年10月25日至28日,由文化和旅游部、国家广播电视总局、国家新闻出版署与北京市人民政府共同主办的,以“引领文化产业高质量发展 助推全国文化中心建设”为主题的第十三届中国北京国际文化创意产业博览会在北京举办,主展场位于中国国际展览中心(老馆)。逍遥派画创始人袁竹应邀参展《大海之珠》《海阔凭鱼跃》等。

2019年5月,作品《天游》《秋韵》《佛爷山》在成都四川同心文化艺术馆举办的 “中国——荷兰文化交流展”。


In May 2019, the works “Tianyou”, “Autumn Rhyme” and “Foye Mountain” were held at the “China-Netherlands Cultural Exchange Exhibition” at Chengdu Sichuan Tongxin Culture and Art Museum.

In June 2019, Yuan Zhu’s solo exhibition was held in Dallas, Texas, USA.


独研秘籍 孤标尘外——记著名画家袁竹

Independent research cheats, lonely standard dust outside-remember the famous painter Yuan Zhu

著名书画评论家 史峰

Famous critic of calligraphy and painting Shi Feng


Seeing the landscape works of the painter Yuan Zhu, it is very different at a glance! The form and spirit of its landscape is by no means a paradigm. It does not follow the “established technical specifications” for thousands of years. Instead, it takes its own original two methods of “leopard pattern” and “cow hair pattern” to paint the landscape into an ancient style. Unseen spectacle! Therefore, to appreciate his landscape works, there must be feelings: being different and unique, it can make the abyss of mountains and rivers wonderful, and there will be endless generations!


Not to mention that ordinary people painting landscapes tend to be confined to the craftsman’s arrogance. Even if the celebrities make landscapes, they will inevitably have the disadvantages of applying the law. For example, the four kings in the Qing Dynasty painted landscapes, and the paintings and paintings were based on powder-based photographs. They couldn’t draw new ideas, and the landscape culture was in a stagnant and rigid state in their pen and ink. On the other hand, Yuan Zhu’s landscape paintings have the values of taking the method as the top priority. The traditional brush and ink kung fu experience is so perfect, and there is more intensive research and enterprising that needs to be self-certified. Of course, you can make the leopard spots and ox-hair patterns appear as the two great methods!


The method of burning began in the Five Dynasties, Jing Haozhen’s pen can be used as a magnificent and magnificent, mature in the Song Dynasty, Fan Kuanzhu method can be used for steel and iron casting, Mijia rain spot burning method can be seen in the weather! As a unique technique to express the texture of Chinese landscape paintings, the method of painting has become the essence of painting after thousands of years of change and deposition. Whether it is the axe splitting method or the band-folding method, or the scraping of iron and raindrops, it is not possible to make a one-to-one expression of all landscapes.


Nature is an infinite object. Of course, in the process of cultivating good fortune, it requires constant innovation and special landscape features! Yuan Zhu observes the greenness and moistness of the special landscapes of the southern country, knowing that the old method of refining cannot recreate the visual experience of viewing the unique landscapes in a vivid way. Therefore, he devoted himself to the study and construction of the new method, and has experienced countless improvements and adaptations. Leopard spots can express the spatial effect of vegetation and mountains and rocks in freehand landscape works, and the cow hair pattern focuses on the boundary of mountains and waters and the marginal phase of clouds and sky. The mysterious effect of harmony!


Landscape has its own way. Painting landscapes with leopard spots and cow hair patterns is the proof of Yuan Zhu’s natural method of painting landscapes! He is an extremely talented artist in sketching, and he understands the sky, and the cow hair pattern and leopard pattern are in fact the secrets of writing the sky! Its mottling is precisely the shaping of the operation mechanism of heaven and earth. Looking at Yuan Zhu’s new approach to landscapes from this point of view, one can understand the creative wisdom derived from the creation of foreign teachers. Only an artistic wise man can create a new method of taking everything from a distance and taking everything close to the body! From this perspective, Yuan Zhu’s landscape paintings not only have the basic core of the continuity of the ancient and modern landscape culture, but also the free and easy way to communicate with the spirit of heaven and earth. Therefore, the creation of the Xiaoyao School of Painting was a natural result, and it is also an inevitable result that can amaze the art world!


Independent research cheats, lonely and dusty. Contributing a new method to the treasury of skills can be well-known and can be recorded in the annals of history. Yuan Zhu Shanshui created two new methods of engraving, and he can do great work! Therefore, his landscape works not only have the value of technical innovation, but also the cultural feat of literati painting the landscape can win the spirit of the image. Hanging a piece of his work in the hall, the elegant and popular are appreciated together, and it is brilliant. Everyone is a masterpiece, true and true!


August 28, 2021


Seeing the Heart and Seeing the Nature, Painting Carelessly——A Record of the Famous Painter Yuan Zhu

著名书画评论家 罗成

Famous critic of calligraphy and painting Luo Cheng


Because of work, there will be opportunities to watch paintings in daily life. I have seen a lot of paintings, and if they are the same, they will feel boring. If you can’t be considerate, looking at the paintings can be very tiring to be honest. Before looking at the paintings, there is always a kind of expectation: to see different and uplifting things. But hope is always great, but disappointment is great. Because now many people have no new ideas in their painting methods, and there are so many routines.


When I saw the work of the painter Yuan Zhu, I immediately felt like my eyes lit up. Because his landscape paintings, scene paintings, lotus flowers, etc. have all painted new atmospheres and adopted new forms, the main ideas are also unique. It can be said that when you encounter Yuan Zhu’s paintings, you will feel that the world is new, and everything in front of you is new. Therefore, he has such a judgment on his paintings, “This is a new classic of Danqing’s innovation.” Sure enough, these paintings with new forms and new themes are masterpieces by Yuan Zhu, the founder of the Xiaoyao School! Can be called a group of new works, of course, there will be unique expressiveness that others cannot copy!


The creative soul of Xiaoyao paintings should be the conscious expression of “clear mind and nature”. The purpose of painting is not to complete a picture, but to express a certain emotion and interpret a philosophical view through the use of pen and ink! If painting is only for painting, then this is a craftsman, or painting slave. Whether it is a craftsman or a painting slave, there is no cultural contribution, and there will be no great freedom of painting. On the other hand, Yuan Zhu’s paintings have a psychological reason for their creation, or it may be called karma. Painting is “fruit” and love as “cause”. When creating “Big Moon” under the impetus of emotion, of course, there will be the great freedom of looking up at the universe. Or there is nothing to express the sadness of “Remnant Lotus” in emotion. The carefreeness of looking over all kinds of things has become a Zen mind that can’t hold back the sound, smell and touch the law.


What Xiaoyao painting needs is technique, and it depends on self-cultivation! From the technical point of view, Yuan Zhu’s paintings have a holographic inheritance of traditional brush and ink techniques, and the bone technique uses brushes and corresponds to the pictograms of objects. The charm is vivid, and the color is in accordance with the category. There is also the excitement of the business location, as well as the fine research of the transfer and copying. The six methods are in charge, and the fire is perfect. While inheriting the traditional techniques, he has also innovated the method of engraving. He created the new engraving method of the landscape with leopard spots and cow hair patterns, drawing the strangeness of the landscape into a spectacle! It has aroused the attention of the academic painting method, and has won him a lot of influence in the painting circle. Of course, this kind of influence has been transformed into a new driving force that can surprise the world with his artistic accomplishment!


At present, his paintings have high-ranking value in the art market. Many large professional art institutions collect his works in order to form an important golden circle for the new development and new achievements of painting art. Of course, he also carries the belief in cultural promotion, allowing his works to promote the charm of traditional Chinese culture across the country and around the world, allowing his paintings to carry the soft power of Eastern aesthetics. From a painter to a cultural activist, Yuan Zhu continued to expand the influence of the Xiaoyao School of Painting, and at the same time made pioneering expressions and top achievements for the responsibility of the era!


August 28, 2021



The brush is vigorous and smooth, following the state of mind——A record of the famous painter Yuan Zhu


Famous critic of calligraphy and painting art Shi Guoao


Appreciating the many Danqing works of Mr. Yuan Zhu, you can find that his paintings are always in a very calm state. The peaceful strokes and inks draw out the elegant mountains and rivers, and the willful mood swings to construct a dripping natural beauty. The formation of this creative realm stems from the in-depth understanding of the mountains and all things by the husband over the years. It comes from his extreme training of pen and ink skills! Taking root in ancient rhyme and sublimating his own style, when facing nature and art, he did not choose tacky copying methods. Instead, he used super-high aesthetic knowledge and deep pen and ink skills to perfectly blend nature and art! Therefore, the artistic sentiment displayed by the husband is more of an exploration of the origin of the soul, and this in-depth exploration undoubtedly has a deep creative significance for his Danqing works…


Viewers can feel the infinite charm of traditional ink technique in Mr. Yuan Zhu’s works, and they can also appreciate the style changes he made in the appearance of landscapes! With his distinctive characteristics of landscapes, rich flavor of the times, and novel spirit of composition, he has created a picture of amazing new era landscapes! His works can even set off a wave of art in today’s painting circles, with novel landscapes and freshness!  画中的笔墨技法,以浓厚润和为主,外加先生所创独的“豹纹斑”、“牛毛纹”等皴法,令整个的山水画展现出了可喜的绝妙视感,而在一些外廓边缘的处理上,先生则是用淡墨去营构,边缘轮廓与实体对比明显,无论是明暗的变化还是深浅的转换,都极具空间张力,通幅画面也由此达到一种淡雅悠韵的艺术效果。以此来看整幅的山体意象,真可谓是有浓厚而不显拖沓,具清逸而不显轻浮,实是将山水的朴实之处完美的呈现了出来!

The brush and ink technique in the painting is mainly moist and smooth, plus the unique “leopard pattern” and “cow hair pattern” created by Mr., so that the entire landscape painting shows a gratifying and wonderful sense of sight, and in some outlines In the treatment of the edges, the gentleman uses light ink to construct the structure. The edge outline and the solid contrast are obvious. Whether it is the change of light or shade or the conversion of depth, there is great spatial tension, and the overall picture also achieves a light and elegant charm. Artistic effect. Looking at the entire image of the mountain from this, it can be said that it is thick and not procrastinated, and it is clear and not frivolous, and it perfectly presents the simplicity of the landscape!


In the configuration of some works, the husband has stripped away the traditional legal system of landscape, and instead constructs landscape in a form of imagery, which is like fantasy imagery, which is consistent with the real natural landscape. Carrying out some ingenious personal transformations can turn the natural scenery into the scenery of the mind. It is like image but not image, like meaning but not meaning, accumulation of clouds and water, and the truth comes from nature, and it returns to nature and comes from the state of mind. , And return to the state of mind! So when you first observe, most people may not understand it, but after a long time, you can get stuck in it again! In addition, in terms of the details of the landscape, the business location of the trees and streams is also very unique, sometimes as a boat crossing, and sometimes as a green mountain and white stone road, the landscape can be described as full of interest and extraordinary charm!


The pen is vigorous and smooth, and follows the state of mind. Only by understanding Mr. Yuan Zhu’s artistic concepts and works can people discover that he is a true landscape innovator! The clear landscapes and the moving patterns in the paintings all prove the profound skill of Mr.’s pen and ink! And his unparalleled and beautiful landscapes have left a very iconic chapter of art in today’s painting circles!

2021年8月22日 于览艺斋

August 22, 2021 Yulan Yizhai



The heart is in the inkstone field, and it will finally be top grade

书画评论家 桑干

Painting and calligraphy critic Sang Gan



Mr. Yuan Zhu, a well-known contemporary calligrapher and painter, has his own extraordinary talent in pen and ink, and he has continuous training in pursuit of the true essence of traditional culture.

Mr. Yuan Zhu made the Danqing, taking landscape as the theme, feeling natural and touching by metaplasia. The pen is written by mountains and rivers, and the heart is in the clear pavilion. In the happily laid-out pen and ink, the travel literati Dan Qing’s spirit is filled with inflated feet. Dry and wet dyed freehand brushwork repeats the mountains and ridges, and the brushes and brushes reflect each other, which is a philosophical expression of the spirit of interaction with heaven and earth alone. Inside the painting is the superb technique, and outside the painting is the lingering charm of Eastern culture. Painting to cultivate your heart, books to express your ambition, and your heart to settle in the inkstone field, you will eventually get top grade!


Mr. Yuan Zhu’s paintings are full of vigor and vitality because of the vivid brewing of pen and ink. He expresses his love for nature with his brushes. The formation of these styles is the result of acquired pen and ink tempering, and it is more natural to express the natural and spiritual pen and ink taste, as agile as the tip of a weeping grass, and as pure as empty and dust-free.

袁竹先生的作品笔墨的气韵生动,技巧灵活熟练都达到了更上一层楼的艺术效果。 给人带来一种美的享受,大自然的磅礴隽秀、精湛艺术的高超使人看起来有种身临其 境之感,仔细品味,便可以陶冶情操。

Mr. Yuan Zhu’s works are vivid in brush and ink, and they have achieved a higher level of artistic effect with flexibility and proficiency. It gives people a kind of enjoyment of beauty. The majestic beauty of nature and the superb art make people look immersive. If you taste it carefully, you can cultivate your sentiment.

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