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发布时间:2024/03/06 文化 浏览:53






任文平自幼酷爱书法,师承著名多体书法名家范秦武先生,在范老的亲授下,潜心研习隶体,读帖临帖,看古碑拓片,常悟常新,在《华山碑》,《张迁碑》,《曹全碑》等书法研悟中,逐步领悟了书法前辈书风真经,既重法古,亦重创新,尤擅隶书,既有传统经典的高古之气,又兼具现代生活的奔放跌宕的时代气息,有着独特的个人风格,书体品质如竹挺滑,撇捺似竹叶飘逸,横折显竹子的劲节,刚柔相济,字体中的横捺有存隶书之蚕头雁尾,吸收瘦金之笔意入字,点取火山喷发之上势,方折巧用古碑破石之飞痕,观其舒展有度,幽古通今变中寓欹,吸取他法服务于隶体,让隶书扁而立刚柔张驰,波浪起伏中见质朴,结体巧中有拙,拙中寓立,一任天然 ,生动活泼,天真烂漫,因字赋形,独具变化,让隶书在俊美之间,又生出几份坚韧,把书法的雄峻与宽柔完美地结合在一起,形成了更加富有现代审美情趣的风尚。换句话说,更清新悦目,也更加启智养心,赋予时代文化气息。

其作品先后受到篆刻家李羊民先生、书法家刘建武先生、书法家师颜俊等业界前辈指点、题词肯定,原新华社国内部主任阮光荣先生为其手卷题字:“书艺精湛瀚墨香飘四海,核心价值精气润泽神州。张思德为人民牺牲重于泰山,书法家为现实服务实可点赞”。著名书法、评论家乔俊武刘由国为其手卷《桃花源记》题词点评“秦腔高远”,“ 书香剑气”,“笔劲自然成”“书如其人”。


Ren wenping Born in February 1968, the central party school has a bachelor’s degree in public administration. Lanzhou military district communication group served in the post of team inspection, after retiring, insisted on calligraphy creation in the spare time, won the national calligraphy and painting evaluation calligraphy professional certificate. Currently, he is the director of the Chinese academy of calligraphy and painting art, vice President of the huayan artists association, chief art consultant of the capital think tank cultural industry center, member of Beijing Beijing Beijing printing society, deputy secretary general of weinan branch of shaanxi military calligraphy and painting, vice President of the research institute of calligraphy and painting in northwest China, and member of the calligraphy branch of China MAO zedong poetry research association. The editorial department of “Chinese culture” recommended the member of the provincial book association of artists, Beijing linhuatang painting and calligraphy institute, qin dong painting and calligraphy academy deputy dean, Chinese painting and calligraphy artist collection value big data public service for artists and other awards. Ren wenping loved calligraphy since he was a young man. Under fan qinwu, a famous multi-body calligrapher, under fan’s relatives, he devoted himself to studying official state, reading posts and writing tablets, reading ancient inscriptions, often understanding and new, in the calligraphy of “hua shan tablet”, “zhang qian tablet”, “cao quan tablet” and other calligraphy studies. Gradually, I have learned that the calligraphy predecessors have studied the true classics of calligraphy, which not only emphasizes the history of law, but also seriously hits the new. I am good at clerical . It is like bamboo leaves flowing, the strong festival of bamboo is folded horizontally, and it is strong and soft, and the font is contained with official script silkworm head goose tail, absorbing the pen of thin gold into the word, the point of the fire mountain explosion above the force, the square folded with the ancient monument to break the fly marks of the stone, and the view of its stretching, You have learned that the ancient and modern changes are in place and serve the official body, let the official script stand flat and soft zhang, the waves rise and fall see rustic, the shape of the shape is clumsy, the clumsy in the shape of the body, a natural, lively, naive, unique change, Let the clerical script in the beauty between, give birth to a few more tenacity, the degree of calligraphy and wide and soft perfect combination, formed a more modern aesthetic taste of the fashion. In other words, it is more fresh and pleasing to the eye, and more enlightening to the heart, giving the cultural atmosphere of The Times. His works have been pointed out and affirmed by Mr. Li yangmin, calligrapher, Mr. Liu jianwu, calligrapher, and yan jun, calligrapher, etc., and his works have been handed down by Mr. Ruan, the former director of the state of xinhua, for his hand-written inscription: “exquisite book art han ink fragrance has gone all over the world. The core value is refined and refined in China. Zhang sde sacrifices for the people more than mount tai, and callicollectors serve the reality can only praise it. Famous calligraphy, critic qiao junwu liu yuguo for his hand scroll “peach blossom source” inscription comment on “qin chamber gao yuan”, “book fragrance jian qi”, “pen strength natural into” “book is the person”. He was awarded the honorary title of “youth star star” by the central committee of the league in 1989 and 90 years in a row. His calligraphy works have won the first prize of the first prize of the star essay works of the 20th, 11th, 21st and 25th China China. Calligraphy works have been selected in the special editions of “Chinese times elegant demeanour”, “Chinese land”, “Oriental art and forest”, “Chinese official shu”, “shaanxi civil affairs”, “shaanxi religious culture”, “weinan minjin” and other magazines.



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