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发布时间:2023/03/17 文化 浏览:201



Zhang Yuehua is a famous contemporary artist of calligraphy and painting. No.: Huaweng (Zeng No.: Master of Mengchun Hall, Old Man of Mengchun Hall, Mengweng). International Peace Artist, Consultant of the National Calligraphy and Painting Art Commission, Honorary President of the People’s Daily’s Xigu Chuangjing Calligraphy and Painting Academy, Academician of the Ziguangge Painting Academy, a central government agency, Dean of the Zhongqing Chengtou (Beijing) Calligraphy and Painting Group under the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People’s Republic of China, Academician of the Chinese Charity Calligraphy and Painting Academy, National Senior Artist, Visiting Professor of the Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University, National Guest Li Artist of China, and Art Advisor of the General History of Chinese Fine Arts.



Born in Shanxi in 1960, he graduated from the Chinese Painting Department of the Fine Arts Department of Shanxi Academy of Arts and the Chinese Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. He was educated by dozens of famous masters such as Huang Zhou, Wu Guanzhong, Huang Runhua, Lu Chen and Zhu Naizheng. Learning from the past is not like the past, and his artistic attainments are deep. With its unique artistic insight and courage, it has pushed the color and artistic conception of Chinese calligraphy and painting to a new realm, creating a painting style with gorgeous color, resplendence, majesty, gorgeous but not vulgar, charming but not beautiful, royal style and romantic color. It has created an excellent new model of Chinese Huaweng art in the color application and spiritual conception of Chinese calligraphy and painting. In October 2015, Huaweng At the Zhang Yuehua Art Seminar, experts and scholars in the Chinese art field, including Peking University, Tsinghua University, Yangmei, the Chinese Academy of Arts, and the Chinese Art Museum, agreed that Zhang Yuehua was the most vivid, bright and colorful painter who used the colors of Chinese paintings since the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Zhang Yuehua’s painting is a kind of image art and dream painting. It is the highest realm of art. Huaweng highly embodies the great thoughts and souls of human beings in the form of his paintings and calligraphy works, which is the most rare great innovation among artists and works of art in our time. Huaweng art will certainly have a great impetus to the future development of Chinese art. His art has won the love and admiration of all walks of life. His paintings have been collected by former French President Nicolas Sarkozy and many famous artists, celebrities and tycoons at home and abroad, and are known as “the star in the market and the dark horse in academia”. In 2016, he was rated as the painter with the most academic value and market potential. Won the “Chinese Culture and Art Contribution Award for the 40th Anniversary of China’s Reform and Opening up”.




Zhang Yuehua ranked the second highest in the price index of contemporary Chinese painters. In recent years, it has ranked around 20 in the price index of contemporary Chinese painters, and has successively ranked 38, 27, 25, 24, 23, 20, 18, 15, 13, 10, 5, 4, 2, 3, 5, 6, 2, 5, 4, and 3. He was listed as the top ten painters in the contemporary price index, the top ten painters with the fastest appreciation, and the painters with the most collection value and academic value.


Mao Zedong’s Qinyuan Spring Snow 100x180cm

书法:山奔海立  沙起雷行 50x180cm

Calligraphy: 50 × 180cm from mountain to sea, from sand to thunder


Mountains and waters: Fortune and Glory Open to All, 50x180cm


Mountains and Rivers “The Beautiful Color of Spring Mountain” 70x180cm


Landscape: “Rivers and Mountains are Heavenly Auspicious” 50x180cm


Landscape: Splendor of Ten Thousand Mountains 180x70cm

荷花红鲤:《荷风金山 国昌家兴》 34x136cm

Lotus Red Carp: Lotus Wind, Golden Mountain, National Prosperity 34x136cm


Lotus Red Carp “Red Blessings in the River” 45x50cm


Lotus Red Carp “Full House of Wealth” 34x136cm


Landscape: Ruishan Mountain, Purple Atmosphere and Wild People, 50x100cm


Mountains and Rivers Hidden High Scholars 50x100cm


Landscape “Jinxiu Rivers and Mountains” 45x68cm


Landscape Auspicious Hair of Ruishan 45x68cm


Landscape Purple Light 45x68cm


Landscape “Green Mountains Are as Drunken” 50x100cm


Landscape Purple Atmosphere of Jinshan 45x68cm


Landscape “Thousand Auspicious and Ten Thousand Auspicious” 45x68cm


Landscape The Promise of Luck 45x68cm


Landscape “Three Thousand Embroidery” 45x68cm


Landscape “Auspicious Walk in Taihe” 45x68cm


Landscape Purple Spirit Coming from the East 45x68cm


Landscape Great Blessing of Jinshan 45x68cm


Landscape “Auspicious Red Top” 45x68cm

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