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发布时间:2022/08/24 文化 浏览:297


Gu Fengqi, pen name: Qishan, was born in 1948 in the hometown of Dong Zhongshu, Jingxian County, Hengshui, Hebei Province. Mr. Gu Fengqi was fond of poetry, photography and calligraphy since he was a child. He studied under the famous calligrapher Du Kai. In his early years, he devoted himself to studying Liu Bingsen’s thousand-character script, Qing Huang Ziyuan’s regular script, studying Ouyang Xun’s Jiucheng Palace, Yan Zhenqing’s Multiple Pagodas, and Wang Xizhi’s Preface to the Orchid Pavilion. He studied and copied the masterpieces of Su Shi, Zhu Suiliang, Huang Ting Jian, Liu Haisu, Fan Zeng, Li Keran, Qigong and other ancient and modern masters. In the heyday of calligraphy creation, he benefited from the careful guidance of Mr. Chen Hanbin, vice president of the Calligraphy Association of the National Health System, and Mr. Xu Yunfei, a famous calligrapher. Gu Fengqi, running script, was approved by the Organizing Committee of China Lanting Character Library, and was selected into China Lanting Character Library.



顾凤岐先生曾在河北省衡水市人民政府人民防空办公室供职,衡水文联委员。自2006年一些作品陆续在各种赛事中取得金奖、银奖等殊荣。顾凤岐创作的一幅《兰亭序》(3600mm×1400 mm)为当时最大篇幅,该作品获得上海第九届国际书画展银奖、北京清大华文书画院全国书法大赛金奖,并有多件《兰亭序》作品进入2011年当代实力派书画春季拍卖专场。其书写毛泽东《咏梅》作品被“世界风筝之都”山东潍坊的国际碑林选用。2014年5月其《兰亭序》作品入榜北京八达岭新长城并立碑镌刻。2015年多幅作品入编由中国文联国际出版社出版的《国家艺术大师》和中国文化艺术出版社出版的《2015感动中国艺术人物》。

Mr. Gu Fengqi served in the civil air defense Office of the People’s Government of Hengshui City, Hebei Province, and was a member of the Hengshui Federation of Arts and Culture. Since 2006, some works have won gold and silver awards in various competitions. Gu Fengqi created a “Blue Pavilion Preface” (3600mm× 1400mm) as the largest length at that time, the work won the silver award of the ninth International Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition in Shanghai, Beijing Qingda Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Academy National Calligraphy Competition gold medal, and a number of “Blue Pavilion Preface” works into the 2011 contemporary powerful painting and calligraphy spring auction special. In May 2014, his work “Preface to the Orchid Pavilion” was listed on the Badaling New Great Wall in Beijing and inscribed on the monument. In 2015, many works were included in National Art Masters published by China Federation of Arts and Culture International Press and Moving Chinese Art Figures 2015 published by China Culture and Art Press.




Gu Fengqi has been awarded by the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Artists Association as the “Calligraphy art Talent of Virtue and Art”. Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Association, Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Academy, Chinese National Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Artists Association, Chinese Federation of Literary and Art Workers, Chinese Arts and Crafts Association as honorary positions, is now the executive vice chairman of China Xinhua Art Network. His works and resume have been compiled into the International Famous Literary and Art Dictionary and National Treasure Archives.



In recent years, although the body is inconvenient, but the pursuit of calligraphy art has always been unswervingly, adhere to the creation, works have been included in the “Chinese God ten manned space flight outstanding calligraphy and painting art calligraphy and painting masters dictionary”, “Chinese calligraphy and painting masters directory”, “Chinese calligraphy artists”, “Chinese arts and crafts master ceremony”, And the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Association, the National Academy of Painting and Calligraphy published the World Collection.




He was honored as the “World Master of Aesthetics” by the World Federation of Arts and Art Aesthetics, and was appointed as the honorary chairman of the World Federation of Aesthetics. In March 2015, he was awarded “Chinese Artist Image Ambassador” by China International Calligraphers Association. On May 1, 2015, the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee awarded the title of “Outstanding Figure of China”; His WORKS won PRAISE IN THE “Chinese Red Porcelain Calligraphy Competition” held by China National Treasure Red Porcelain Association, and was awarded the title of “National Gift Red Porcelain Calligraphy Artist”. His works will be fired into national treasure gifts and recorded in history. In 2016, he and Shen Peng, former chairman of the Chinese Calligraphy Association, and Su Shishu, current chairman of the Chinese Calligraphy Association, jointly published “Artistic Brilliance — A Masterpiece of Contemporary Calligraphy Works”, which further highlights the solid foundation of Gu Fengqi’s calligraphy art and his influence on contemporary calligraphy.

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