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发布时间:2024/03/06 商业 浏览:557




王鹤义是: 是歌曲《观音赞》《观音莲》《元上都之歌》《禅心看风雨》《云锦之歌》等歌曲的词作者。是《中国当代诗歌大辞典》《中国40年文创选粹》《中国当代诗歌典籍》《暮雪诗刊》《芬芳文艺》等诗刊的艺术顾问及编委 ,并有多首诗入编。王鹤义是:孔子美术馆,中国书画家展览馆,纽约画廊的签约画家。Wang Heyi, Beijing native, is a collection of poetry, prose, lyricism, calligraphy, painting for a new era of the painter, his Beijing school of small green landscape literati painting, by the Chinese Academy of Management Science as the “14th Five-Year Plan basic Education Key topic” has been concluded. His works have been compiled into many historical books, such as “General History of Chinese Art”, “Dictionary of World Artists”, “Yearbook of Chinese Art”, “History of Contemporary Painting – Classic Works of famous artists”. His works, refreshing and pleasant, rich in connotation, with distinct personal characteristics, form their own artistic language, and have been collected by many art institutions and celebrities at home and abroad, such as the National Museum of China, Taiwan Museum, Italian Museum, Jingfu Palace Museum, and China Philately. He is one of the few artists to write original poems, essays and novels with brush calligraphy.

Mr. Wang Heyi is a researcher of the Academy of Chinese Painting Creation, a member of the New Art Group Working Committee of the Chinese Calligrapher and Painter Association, a member of the Chinese Cultural Information Association, a member of the Chinese Coulian Association, and a member of the International Exchange Working Committee of the China Service Trade Association. National first-class artist.

Wang Heyi is: is the song “Guanyin praise”, “Guanyin lotus”, “the song of the Yuan capital”, “Zen heart to see wind and rain”, “Song of Cloud brocade” and other songs lyricist. He is the artistic consultant and editorial board member of the Dictionary of Chinese Contemporary Poetry, the Quintessence of Chinese Literature and Creation in the past 40 Years, the Classics of Chinese Contemporary Poetry, The Journal of Wuxue Poetry, The Fragrant Literature and Art, etc., and has many poems included in the compilation. Wang Heyi is a contract artist of the Confucius Museum, the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition Center, and the New York Gallery.

中国管理科学院基础教育研究所《国家十四五规划基础教育重点课题》结题并获该成果一等奖!Institute of Basic Education, Chinese Academy of Management Sciences “National Key Project of Basic Education in the 14th Five-Year Plan” concluded and won the first prize!


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