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Important News of the World-Renowned Qoojpn E-commerce Platform

发布时间:2022/06/07 区块链 浏览:303

On June 7, 2022, according to reliable sources, the famous Korean Qoojpn e-commerce platform issued a important news:

First, strongly condemn platform imitators to use the platform to obtain improper benefits;

Second, its global membership has exceeded 6 million +, it will soon be launched in the Global Digital Currency Shopping Mall;

Third, the platform has settled in California and will be listed in California.

Qoojpn was established in Korea in 2000, and its founder, Mr. Yu Yingpei, has rich experience in e-commerce operation and can be called the early pioneer of e-commerce. In December 2007, Qoojpn deeply cooperated with Interpark, the first e-commerce company in Korea, and incorporated it into its global strategic system, becoming one of its global subsidiaries. In December 2007, the tentacles extended to Japan, an important strategic place for e-commerce, and promoted Qoojpn market in Japan, occupying a considerable market share. Qoojpn e-commerce platform continues the parent company’s strategy, aiming to provide users with the general fun of Internet theme parks and create a paradise version of online shopping.

Qoojpn all categories global purchase, Shopping + Tour + Book +…

Qoojpn e-commerce platform, whose products range from beauty products to casual or fashionable men’s and women’s wear, children’s wear, fashion, household appliances, accessories, toys, outdoor equipment, travel products and pet products, etc., is rich in all categories of products, creating a global shopping service for users Shopping + Tour + Book +…. Qoojpn has a strong operation and sales team and a first-class planning and design team, providing well-designed products and comprehensive and thoughtful services to customers from all over the world, adhering to the principle of customer first and achieving remarkable results. At present, Qoojpn has become one of the fastest growing e-commerce enterprises in the world, with an average annual turnover growth of 35%.

Qoojpn upholds the Concept of Excellence and creates a Perfect Online Shopping Experience.

Qoojpn e-commerce platform promotes advanced e-commerce concept, “bringing exciting and unforgettable experiences to customers through excellent online shopping and customer service, as well as a series of Korean beauty products, Asian fashion and lifestyle department stores with good quality and low price.” In operation, Qoojpn is committed to fulfilling its service commitment, continuously realizing the perfect online shopping experience of customers, and establishing a strong strategic alliance: maintaining competitive advantage with high-quality brands, uniting Lian Heng with the same frequency platform, and creating an advantageous strategic alliance. At the same time, Qoojpn is committed to creating a talent development plan, recruiting high-tech talents in Wall Street, London, Singapore and other places, and working together to make the original management system and business system climb to a higher level, and promote the global strategy of talent-driven industry.

Qoojpn rewards and recognizes, and shows the world with data.

In the past few years, Qoojpn e-commerce platform has achieved impressive results.

Qoojpn was named “Best Online Retailer” in AsiaOne’s People Choices Awards in 2015 and 2016. In January 2016, Qoojpn ranked 4th out of 259 brands with the most positive image locally and globally. In 2016, Qoo10 was named “Best E-Shopping Portal” in Tech Awards 2016 organized by Singapore technology magazine HWM. In 2017, CGS-CIMB and Euromonitor statistics showed that Qoojpn Singapore had a market share of 32.6% of Singapore’s e-commerce market.

Qoojpn e-commerce platform, the platform members have exceeded 6 million + members, serving more than 30 countries and regions with global users. Meanwhile, data insight from meta-search engines shows that Qoojpn has been at the top of the monthly user website visits in Singapore e-commerce platform.

Qoojpn will launch online global shopping, and its tentacles will be extended to the United States, India, Iran, Japan, Britain, Germany, etc., so that customers can earn profits on the platform, buy goods and services from all over the world at the lowest price, and establish a personal network. Qoojpn gives back to users with data and achievements, which shows the brilliance of this e-commerce superstar.

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