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NFTSwap Asia Press Conference and Multi-enterprise Signing Ceremony Successfully Held

发布时间:2022/04/21 区块链 浏览:890

On April 19, 2022, from 10:00 am to 13:00 PM, Union One Group & NFTSwap Trading Platform Asia Press Conference was held in Huangshan International Hotel, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

The main representatives were FRANK LONG, Chairman of One Union Group and DIGITAL ASSETS EXCHANGE CO.,LTD, Alex, the representative of NFTSwap Trading platform in Asia, Jiang Yaqi, Chairman of KONG’S HOLDINGS, Liu Zhu, Chairman of Cambodia-China International Joint Development Promotion Association, and overseas Chinese from Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Mainland China and various countries in Southeast Asia and fans of NFT digital community. This initiative was initiated by Union One Group Group & DIGITAL ASSETS EXCHANGE CO.,LTD. The two parties reached a comprehensive strategic cooperation with NFT Art and NFT Digital Real Estate, also jointly promoted the overall business development process of NFTSwap in Asia.

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At 9:00 a.m., the participants entered the hall on time. At 10:00 p.m., the activity officially started, when FRANK LONG, chairman of the Board, delivered the opening speech. Union One Group is a famous Real estate investment company in Cambodia, which invests and develops real estate projects in various countries in Southeast Asia, including CBD, apartment area, island development and villa sales under a superior reputation in Southeast Asia. After that, Jiang Yaqi, Chairman of KONG’S HOLDINGS, gave a speech, highly appreciated the layout and development of NFTSwap trading platform in Asia, and was willing to work with US DIGITAL ASSETS EXCHANGE CO.,LTD to jointly develop NFTSwap trading platform with future prospects and opportunities. Deng Wei, Minister of Costal City, and Liu Zhu, Chairman of Cambodia-China International Joint Development Promotion Association, delivered speeches successively. They expressed their full confidence in NFTSwap trading platform and were willing to cooperate comprehensive promotion while expressing their deep blessings.

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The important part of the press conference was Alex, Asia representative of DIGITAL ASSETS EXCHANGE CO.,LTD., who gave a comprehensive introduction to NFTSwap platform. Founded by former Goldman Sachs, Facebook and Dell engineers in 2020, it is a metaverse NFT cross-chain aggregation trading platform built on the Binsecurity Smart Chain (BSC). It uses BSCN as a value carrier to create a global distributed, multi-version and synchronous replication NFT incubator covering NFT publishing, auctions, exchanges, cross-chain, Launchpad, mining and on-chain proof-of-interest agreements for digital real estate, digital museums, chain games, art collections, copyrights and music works. It features lower transaction fees, faster concurrency, scalability, availability, compatibility and security. Nowadays, NFTSwap main partners are Goldman Sachs, Bolsa Mexicana, IntegraFin, Dell,and CGI. LEO, President of Union One Group, also introduced the main direction and development steps of NFT Digital Real estate and NFT Art Collection.

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The signing ceremony pushed the press conference into a frenzy. Jiang Yaqi, Chairman of KONG’s HOLDINGS, signed a contract with Deng Wei, Minister of Costal City, and FRANK LONG, Chairman of Union One Group, on NFT digital real estate; KONG’s HOLDINGS Chairman Jiang Yaqi signed a contract with Union One Group chairman FRANK LONG for the NFT art section; NFTSwap Trading platform Asia representative Alex signed a contract with FRANK LONG, Chairman of Union One Group, on NFTSwap trading platform; with the smooth signing ceremony for opening the global marketing activities of NFTSwap.

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It is well known that the traditional real estate industry records all land titles with cumbersome property registration paperwork, while NFT digitizes the entire process. Properties can be tokenized on a blockchain network and become tradable tokens that can be easily exchanged in the secondary market. The future real estate NFT can be realized on the NFTSwap platform to digitize real estate from construction, materials, suppliers, and even builders. The seller is no longer an intermediary, but may be any person who recognizes the house, just because the consensus mechanism has an agreement, they will recommend or sell the house share. In addition, NFT provides unique and unforgerable signatures, so owners can prove provenance, making this type of purchase a more profitable and realistic investment. On the NFTSwap platform, digital collections are both financial and digital. Originating from NFT, digital collections are digital works, artworks and goods whose ownership is confirmed by unique identification with blockchain technology. Owners can be identified in the blockchain network and subsequent flows can be traced. NFTSwap allows you to buy, bid on, and discover digital collectibles and other assets in secure forms at a premium, so as to achieve consistently profitable and quickly monetized.

In the future, with the development and innovation of blockchain technology, the overall digital industry will step into the 2.0 era, and the construction of the metaverse will be accelerated. NFTSwap will create a truly free, open, decentralized and fair metaverse NFT ecological platform, so as to establish a parallel world incubator for all NFTSwap users. The signed Union One Group and KONG’s HOLDINGS will become important strategic partners in the development of NFTSwap platform, promoting NFTSwap in the world in digital real estate and digital collections, leading the era of digital unbounded, and creating the most potential Metaverse NFT cross-chain aggregation trading platform in the world.

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