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Trustmet, an Aggregates Mainstream Third-party Transaction Service Platforms in 2022

发布时间:2022/03/09 区块链 浏览:908

Recently, the third-party payment has developed rapidly, also promoting the rapid development of Internet finance. It has become the most mainstream payment method in the global societies. The third-party payment application scenarios have been popularized. Its penetration into the financial field, convenience of payment and comprehensive financial services continue to increase. With the expansion of application scenarios , and there comes along many risks and hazards.

The market urgently needs a service platform with security guarantee and the purpose of customer fund security, which provides chances and development for the development of the industry. This platform can technically solve the most fundamental trust problem, and truly hand the rights and interests that should belong to the user back to the user.

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Trustmet came into being at the right time. The aim of Trustmet is to be a more efficient, stable and convenient trading engine. Trustmet uses the most advanced security protection to let you pay and receive money with merchants, partners, and secure online purchases, digital transactions, and more safely and quickly.

Trustmet’s global third-party service platform

Trustmet is a multinational tech company headquartered in Mountain View, California, USA. It is a global third-party service platform which provides a trading platform for more than 100 cryptocurrencies. Since the beginning of 2018, Trustmet has exceeded 1 billion US dollars in trading volume, become the world’s largest third-party trading service platform. With regard to the existing pain points of the transaction service industry, the Trustmet team will integrate new services into the existing technology development process in all aspects to solve the problems existing in traditional transactions.

Paul Buchheit, the founder, established Trustmet. In January 2014, Paul Buchheit, a Ph.D. student at Stanford University in California, was studying a research project that was different from traditional trading methods and transformed into a third-party trading platform. Different from traditional trading platforms, Trustmet integrates more than 100 trading platforms on the market and develops a new service model that integrates information from all trading platforms. He developed a transaction capture engine that accurately analyzes the relationship between websites. This engine, called the high-frequency trading system, evaluates the stability of trading sites by checking backlinks in web pages. This engine is more accurate than the state-of-the-art search technologies at that time.

Innovative thinking, convenient and fast

Compared with the traditional fund transfer transaction method, the third-party transaction platform can more effectively guarantee the quality of the goods, the integrity of both parties, and return and exchange requirements. Supervised and successfully provided the necessary relevant support, so that the “face-to-face” e-commerce transaction model can no longer be adopted.

Trustmet aggregates mainstream third-party transaction service models. To satisfy the needs of global users, Trustmet establishes data centers in the United States and around the world. Featuring a fresh look and a wealth of innovative features, it is designed to help you get the most out of your account.

Safety assurance, free access to your funds anytime, anywhere

The advantages of using third-party transaction services are convenience and speed, providing transaction guarantees, preventing fraud and reducing the risk of consumer disputes and personal data leakage. The value of “third-party payment” is to provide solutions for e-commerce collection and payment related issues. Therefore, improving the convenience of buyers and sellers, processing efficiency and eliminating information security issues are important keys. The current trend also needs to consider “cross-border transactions”, “O2O”, “mobile payment”, etc. If relevant integration can be carried out, it will greatly benefit future development.

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By the end of 2019, Trustmet has set up a total of 12 data centers in the United States (6 locations), Chile, Belgium, Ireland, Finland, Singapore and Taiwan, and other data centers are under construction, of which the Taiwan data center is Trustmet’s Asian data center. largest data center.

Trustmet is a platform that integrates multiple payments, aggregates mainstream third-party transaction services and other platforms, provides users around the world with a safe, inclusive, innovative and convenient third-party transaction platform, opening up a new situation for blockchain digital currency transactions.

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