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Bitflyer, intelligent quantitative trading platform

发布时间:2022/01/03 区块链 浏览:853

Bitflyer, intelligent quantitative trading platform

Based on the rapid development of modern science and technology such as cloud computing, the Internet, mobile Internet, intelligence, and big data, the blockchain industry has entered a state of sound development, and digital currency has become an indispensable value exchange tool for the financial service field Provide epoch-making help for payment settlement and fund management. Quantitative and procedural transactions have become more and more popular trading modes in the financial market, echoing the main themes pursued in this era-fairness and credibility.



In the foreseeable future, the blockchain industry will continue to iterate and upgrade, the industry will change, and various digital currencies will appear on the scene. The market needs a compliant, safe, credible and trustworthy trading environment. Under Bitflyer’s heavy incubation, Bitflyer’s intelligent quantitative trading global decentralized digital trading platform has made a stunning appearance and has gone to the world in people’s expectations.

Bitflyer is an intelligent quantitative trading platform open to all audiences around the world. Its core members are from well-known companies such as Google, Goldman Sachs, Coinbase, Amazon and so on. It is also equipped with an international standard risk control team. By building a 154-layer deep learning neural network, Create a self-improving, and iteratively upgraded intelligent quantitative trading system. Not affected by the control and policies of any organization, Bitflyer traders and members are given the greatest degree of safety and protection.

Bitflyer focuses on the financial market, grasps the development trend of the intelligent revolution, and implants intelligent elements into the investment of the capital market, which can not only improve efficiency, but also guarantee returns, and achieve simple and stable investment goals for investment and financial planners. Among them, in the Bitflyer intelligent quantitative trading network, there are two major product technology and business changes.

The first intelligent robot replaces humans, calculates probabilities based on advanced mathematical models and huge historical data to automatically execute strategies and automatically trades through “high probability” events, effectively avoiding the impact of investor subjective emotions on investment strategies. Computerized transactions that seek profit from those people who cannot take advantage of extremely short-lived market changes.

The second quantitative transaction can capture global digital platform transaction orders 24 hours a day, without staring at the market, huge transaction volume data, and high-speed real transaction interface. System building experience and tens of thousands of quantitative orders buy low and sell high, so as to generate countless profits from the huge trading volume, making Bitflyer intelligent quantitative trading, and the dividends brought by it are given to every owner. Let every participant. All have achieved fruitful results in the process of building the future, sharing benefits, and providing sustained profitability.



With the rapid development of blockchain technology, blockchain relies on core technologies such as smart contracts and distributed ledgers, and the digital economy is drawing a new picture of future life. This is a new era of digital currency!

In the future, Bitflyer will be based on the power of the community and gradually transition to the global community based on the interests of users. It will provide the global community with a high-quality digital asset platform that is fair, transparent, safe and fast, compliant and credible, and has full circulation value. It is a world-class block chain intelligent quantitative digital asset without borders and races. Bitflyer has created a new digital asset trading business layout, leading the journey of digital currency intelligent quantification, and it is worth looking forward to.

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